Cross Country Alaska
$5 per day - pay by credit card at kiosk & place receipt on dash of car.
Park efficiently in one of the upper and a lower parking lots.
MSSC suggests spectators park in lower parking and reserve the upper for athletes, volunteers and those who might not be able to walk the distance from the lower lot.
The "rub" is that there is only one pay kiosk located outside the chalet (yep, the area we just asked you to save for athletes, volunteers and those who might not be able to walk the distance from the lower lot).
Therefore, when parking in the lower lot you must either:
Park, walk to upper parking lot to the kiosk, pay, and get the receipt.
Walk back to your vehicle and place receipt on your dash.
Walk back to race area – and hope you didn’t forget something in your vehicle.
Advised to use walking trail - safer than road.
PRO-TIP - This link can be used to pre-pay at home and print your ticket. Also the MSSC PRO has written the payment transaction/ID number (like maybe if this is successfully accomplished in your vehicle) on a piece of paper and placed it on the dash.
Spectator viewing at top of the Eska Hill and at the back of the stadium
Gate & waxing areas will open at 7am
Wax Testing
Skiers and coaches can access course until 11
After race begins, may test on Pioneer Loop. Coaches may be on course if wearing a bib and must follow the direction of the course.
Available in GPRA Chalet
Team Naming Ceremony
Will begin at approximately 2:45 on Sunday in the GPRA Chalet
We will name the Junior Nationals team, the Arctic Winter Games team, present Besh Season Age Group Awards & the 2024 Besh Cup Trophy.